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The Book Lover's Joke Book

Johnson:The Book Lover's Joke Book
Autor: Alex Johnson
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2591822
ISBN / EAN: 9783758202629

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

15,30 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


The Book Lover's Joke Book is the funniest book about books you'll ever read. You'll find jokes about writers, agents, publishers, librarians, grammar, poetry, bookcases, and lightbulbs. There are rib-ticklers for typographers, crackers for critics, and badly foxed quips about antiquarian bookshops. Here too are the best literary April Fool's (the joke's on you), rejection letters (the joke's on the publisher), cookbook jests (the joke's a bit crumby) and wardrobe puns (the joke's Narnia business). This delightful literary celebration will make every bibliophile laugh out loud, even in the library.I love telling people spoilers about The Picture of Dorian Gray. Never gets old.Why does Wally always wear a stripey shirt? Because he doesn't want to be spotted.What's the difference between Romeo and Juliet and COVID-19? One's a coronavirus and the other's a Verona crisis.What did the headlouse in Robinson Crusoe's hair say to the other headlouse in Robinson Crusoe's hair? "I'm off now, see you on Friday."Who was JRR Tolkien's favourite singer? Elvish Presley"Your diary is really good," said his wife. "My thoughts exactly," replied Samuel Pepys.ALEX JOHNSON is a journalist, author and full-time bibliophile. His previous titles for The British Library include The Book of Book Lists (2017) and Shelf Life (2018). His acclaimed book How to Give Your Child A Lifelong Love Of Reading was also published by the Library in 2019.


Autor Verlag Olms
ISBN / EAN 9783758202629 Bindung Hardcover

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