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The Power of Ethics

Liautaud:The Power of Ethics
Autor: Susan Liautaud / Lisa Sweetingham
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Artikelnummer: 2613754
ISBN / EAN: 9781471188596

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

13,40 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


A broad-sweeping look at ethics and a framework on how to make ethical decisions.
Should a historical statue be taken down if the person memorialised was unethical?
What should you consider before sending your DNA for a genetic analysis?
Is it enough for businesses to simply meet their legal obligations or should they exceed them?

Our choices matter - they influence our day-to-day habits and relationships, determine the trajectory of our life, and have an impact on other people. Learn how to make ethical decisions in every situation, from personal to professional, and realise how you contribute to shaping the world, one decision at a time.

'A 21st century ethics classic. A book for leaders to keep close at hand.'
Rob Chesnut

Ethics can be complicated and its boundaries blurred. Publicly, government leaders are acting against the welfare of their citizens, companies are prioritising profits above all, and technology poses risks to society through both innovation and misinformation with little to no repercussions. Personally, we struggle with how much to protect our children online, how to make informed consumer choices, and how to handle misconduct at work.

Behind virtually every ethical challenge we face, there are six forces and through a straightforward, four-step process, world class ethics professor Susan Liautaud gives you all the tools needed to navigate ethics. Learn how to develop a clear point of view, speak with authority and make effective decisions across all areas of life.

In The Power of Ethics, Liautaud shows how we all can make more ethical choices at home, at work, in our communities and in society and create a better world through the decisions we make every day.


Autor Verlag Simon & Schuster UK
ISBN / EAN 9781471188596 Bindung Taschenbuch

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