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The Animal Lighthouse

Burt:The Animal Lighthouse
Autor: Anthony Burt / Ciara Flood
Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager.
Veröffentlicht am: 04.05.2022
Artikelnummer: 2615275
ISBN / EAN: 9781913101527

Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar

9,30 €
Inkl. MwSt. , zzgl. Versandkosten


An exciting piratical adventure that tells the story of young Jim, a boy washed up as a baby onto a hidden island, cared for by his wonderful family of animals; life as a lighthouse keeper is full of fun and adventure until one day a pirate ship is spotted - bringing with it unwanted and dangerous answers to Jim's past. Twelve year old Jim washed up on the island as a baby and has been brought up by a family of animals ever since - it's the only life he has ever known, until one day a pirate ship is spotted on the horizon, bringing with it unwanted and dangerous answers to Jim's past ...
Brought up by a wonderful group of animals on a hidden island somewhere deep in the Caribbean, Jim knows no other life or who his real parents are. He washed up on the island as a baby in a barrel of rum and treasure, and has been helping run its special lighthouse with the animals ever since. But now, trouble is brewing ...

Someone, or something, has stolen the lighthouse bulb filaments. If Jim, Oscar and the rest of the animals can't get the lighthouse beams working again, the hidden island will no longer be a secret. And with a pirate ship on the horizon, danger is about to smash their tranquil island apart ...


Autor Verlag Michael O'Mara Publications
ISBN / EAN 9781913101527 Bindung Taschenbuch

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