How To Read Hitler
Gregor:How To Read Hitler
Autor: | Neil Gregor |
Verfügbarkeit: | Derzeit leider nicht verfügbar. Sie kommen auf die Warteliste." |
Veröffentlicht am: | 16.06.2014 |
Artikelnummer: | 945619 |
ISBN / EAN: | 9781783780280 |
Obsessive and violent, Hitler's ideas found an audience of millions and led to one of the most horrific and devastating conflicts of the 20th century. Taking two of Hitler's texts as his starting point, Neil Gregor discusses 'this second rate mind of great power' and helps the reader to understand the nature and popular reception of Hitler's crude but hugely influential writings.
Autor | Neil Gregor | Verlag | Granta Books |
ISBN / EAN | 9781783780280 | Bindung | Taschenbuch |
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